Q: Are there different versions of the Scrambler Therapy device?
A: No, there is only one version of the device built under exclusive license in Italy (see the history of the different generations available below).
Q: Is it possible to make a device with the same clinical efficacy and safety characteristics as Scrambler Therapy using a different technology?
A: No, the efficacy and safety characteristics are inextricably linked to the specific hardware and software of the device built under license. Any variation of the original technology, would produce unforeseen effects in the nervous system, potentially dangerous, especially in severe forms of pain such as CRPS.
Q: Is the Scrambler Therapy device manufactured in other countries besides Italy?
A: No, the device is produced only in Italy. Previous generations (MC-5A) were temporarily manufactured in Korea (GEOMC), but without patent assignment, and without the manufacturer being able to change the original technology. It is clarified that GEOMC has never had the source code of the algorithm, or other confidential information, available. Furthermore, GEOMC never participated in any way in the development of the technology, or Prof, Marineo, the inventor of this therapy and its technology, ever participated in other GEOMC projects.
A Scrambler Therapy ® device is always characterized by the same
hardware and software OEM core of artificial neurons, and by the
presence of 5 channels, an indispensable condition to maintain the
same safety and efficacy performance validated by numerous
official clinical studies and thousands of cases of chronic
neuropathic and cancer pain.
In view of these specific approach, it is quite clear that the
concept of similarity that only considers the parameters of
frequency, pulse width and intensity (used in other devices) for
this Technology is not applicable because they do not generate and
do not characterize the specific information of “no pain” of the
Scrambler Therapy®.
In this sense any modification of the emissions of the
Scrambler Therapy in the form and organization of the flows in
time (i.e. the specific strings of "no pain" information), is
functionally equivalent to the modification of the chemical
formula of a drug.
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